Sunday, August 17, 2008

Venting, Olympics, Blah Blah Blah

So I'm sitting here at my computer, just leaning back and listening to the music coming from my Husband's computer: "This is ground control to major Tom..." feeling spaced out and looking at my desktop (which is currently a beautiful field with a perfect tree in the middle) and wishing I was there. (That was possibly the longest run-on sentence I've ever written.) Sitting under the shade of that tree would be pretty awesome about now.

Things have been rough lately. You know how you go through good times, and they're awesome, and then you go through bad times, and you think 'with good comes bad', and then you go through more bad times, and you think 'well, things have been bad for so long, they've got to change anytime now for the better' and then you go through more bad times and you start to feel like your life is going to be a pile of bad things forever, and you search frantically some reason for all your misfortune, but you can't find it and...

Whoa now. We don't want to vent too much negativity on the PG blog. So how about that Michael Phelps? I'm not personally a huge fan of the USA Olympic team. Generally I cheer for Canada first and Australia second. But this Phelps guy, you've got to give him credit. 8 gold medals in one Olympics. 8 gold medals. That's just unreal. And I mean, these Chinese Olympics Officials are just loving it. You see, 8 is a lucky number in China. They started the Olympics at 8:00 on the 8th day of the 8th month of the year 2008. And now the lead story in the entire Olympics just went: 8 for 8 in gold. Lots of drunken, happy Chinese is what I'm thinking. Lots of drunken Chinese karaoke. "Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree!"

8 Gold Medals in 8 Events, U.S.A's Michael Phelps

Seriously though, these athletes are getting just unreal. Take for example the men's 100 metre finals. The Jamaican athlete who won resembled a God more than a Man. Usain Bolt was in his first year running in the event, and he broke his own World Record by a lot. You're thinking wow, right? You haven't even heard the good part. For the last 15 metres, he coasted, banging his chest mightily and then hanging his arms at his sides. If he hadn't been such a show boat, he would have a had a way better World Record on his golden running shoes, but the point is, how can these athletes be this much better? Sure, there's newer training facilities, newer equipment, newer athletic wear, but that can't come close to making up this large a difference. Do they have some secret facility in Geneva where they breed Superhumans from each nationality for the Olympics? I remember watching Donovan Bailey win the gold and set the world record, and become the fastest man in the World. I distinctly remember him pumping as hard as he could with his arms until he passed the finish line as well. But Time makes a fool of us if we turn our backs on it for too long. I'm just crossing my fingers that this phenomenon doesn't cross over to the NHL and make Gretzky's records look pesky. What's that? Oh yeah, that won't happen until hell freezes over.

Easily beating his own World Record, Jamaica's
Usain (Lightning) Bolt

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Drive Thru Computer

The average person probably goes to their computer a few times a day. Maybe more. But I, I go to my computer dozens of times a day. This sounds sad, and may make it seem as though I have no life, which is untrue, but it's really all about geography. You see, my computer resides in our living room on an inviting, round, red coffee table, and since I frequently pass through the living room during the day, I am usually drawn to my computer. Have I got a new e-mail? Usually, I have. Has anything new happened on Facebook? Usually, there has. Have I had a sleep walking episode and written a blog in the middle of the night? Unfortunately, no.

And you see, therein lies the problem: I am on my computer a lot, but I never actually do anything. Well, I do feed and compete my dogs on the Pet Pupz application on Facebook religiously, but other than that, nothing I do is very productive (if you can even consider feeding cyber-pets as productive).

I should be blogging, I should be writing long and interesting e-mails with which to surprise my family, who for the most part don't hear from me often, and certainly not by long-winded letters. I should be working on my new book project. The problem with being your own boss and also being the only current employee is that you can get away with procrastination extremely easily, since you only have yourself to talk into it, and you're the one who wants to put off your work in the first place.

The sum of all this garble: I need to stop using my computer like a drive thru window and start spending quality time doing worthwhile things instead of Facebook creeping. I know I can do this. I will do this! Please give me a moment while I laugh at myself.